Fallout shelter room guide reddit
Fallout shelter room guide reddit

fallout shelter room guide reddit

I have about 25 dwellers with max stat in everything.Fallout Shelter, the mobile and PC spin-off on the open-world Fallout games, is now available on Xbox One, too. All dwellers have max Endurance, most of them have max Luck as well.I have unlocked all weapon, outfit and theme recipes.Lead bleachers is the best weapon I can craft right now. There's only 1 weapon workshop at the moment due to shortage of junks for strong weapons.

fallout shelter room guide reddit

I'm using 3 outfit workshop to craft 7E & 7S outfits.The vault is surrounded by elevators that eliminate mole rat incidents.+90% Happiness is important in reducing crafting durations. I placed my 50lvl max SPECIAL dwellers there since they have nothing else to do right now. The 3x3-wide radio rooms (below Nuka-Cola plant) provide enough happiness bonus as you can see total happiness at 96%.Stimpak and Radaway rooms are 2-wide since 3-wide rooms are inefficient.Currently there are a few training rooms in the mid lane which will be replaced by production rooms in the future.

fallout shelter room guide reddit

  • Main production rooms are all in the middle lane so dwellers can easily respond to an incident on any floor.
  • Vague or clickbait titled posts will be removedĦ) All posts and comments, in end, come down to moderator discretion. No hacking discussion whatsoever.ĥ) Please use appropriate titles. Intentional spoilers will result in a ban. Titles and comments containing spoilers may be removed without notice. We are not /r/gaming.Ĥ) Use and abuse spoiler tags when applicable. It's currently now available for android, ios and even PC.ġ) Posts must be directly related to Fallout: Shelter.Ģ) Image macros / Memes are not permitted as posts.ģ) Unnecessary flaming, personal attacks, etc will be removed. The main objective is to expand your vault to gather resources, knowledge. What's Fallout Shelter?įallout Shelter is a mobile game where you create and manage your own vault as a overseer at Vault-Tec. Your number one place for all things Fallout: Shelter.
  • Fallout Shelter Update ideas thread | 7-16-2016.
  • Fallout Shelter Strategy Discussion archive.

  • Fallout shelter room guide reddit